
Love the one you're with

Thank you Stephen Stills for inspiring todays thought on sales.

Lets use another, more sales direct quote to get the point across better though.

Jeffery Gitomer, best selling author said this, “To make the most of a networking event, spend 75% of your time with people you don’t know”.

So either a networking event, or at other events, do you spend most of your time around the people you know?  What about the majority of your normal work day?

You need to meet people that you dont already know.  I know, sales people, youre saying, I already cold call, or cold walk prospecting people i dont know.  Yep, and thats the problem.

Your intention is to sell that new person something.  A wise person once said, "Everyone loves to buy, but no one likes being sold" and back to Gitomer, “If you make a sale you can earn a commission, if you make a friend, you can earn a fortune”.

So is your goal to sell one thing to one person?  If you sell items that need to be purchased over and over again, you see the direct relation, but what about those who sell big ticket items or items only bought 1 or 2 times ever? (real estate, airplanes, large manufacturing equipment)  You have to create the friend for referrals.  If one or two sales a year is your thing, then you need to keep an impeccable reputation.

So love the person you are around.  Treat them how you would like to be treated.  Keep your eyes on the (longterm) prize.  You might even get a long term friend in the deal too.

Great Sellers share their knowledge with others.


  1. i write the content on a mac and show it on an ipad to people all the time. what error are you getting?

  2. Do you people have a facebook fan page? I looked for one on twitter but could not discover one, I would really like to become a fan!

  3. yes we do have a facebook page. heres the link

  4. I know you probably have to disagree, but if you can’t beat them, join them.

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