
The Brochure - of death

Everything sounds more dangerous when you put "of death" at the end of it.  Ever notice how magicians, or jugglers use that?   but i digress.

For all things good, please stop selling, anything, by brining out your brochure and walking a prospect through it.

You're better than this, but if not, you will be now.

Ever been on a conference call or in a meeting where you get read to?  Did you like it?  me either.  Why in the world would a prospect like it?  YOu could have just mailed it to them and then called to make sure they got it.

Your sales call needs to have at least one story.  One that resonates with prospects.  Preferably one around how your product or service really helped out another person.  Practice telling your story.  My personal favorite is the self-deprecating story which takes them off guard, in that, most "sales people" don't act human or fallible.  I am not perfect but I will work harder for you and you're more important to me than you are to the other guy.

People remember stories a lot longer than they will remember your soon-to-be-trash-can-fodder brochure.