

Mary Pickford:
You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.

Mary, one of the original founders of the academy of motion pictures, didn't intend to make this quote about sales, but it sure does fit.  This isnt designed to tell you all to be stalkers to your prospects, but more to keep trying to find new clients and new ways to help existing ones.

I read recently a thought that basically no one reads books about attitude and its probably the most important skill or trait a salesperson has.  Attitude is as simple as getting up in the morning and saying, "i'm going to have a good day" and trying to achieve it.  Its cliche and its overdone, but you can really guarantee a bad day if you think youre going to have one.

So today, just today, set a positive goal for you and/or your team to achieve.  It can be a simple as making a certain number of calls or contacts, greeting everyone that comes in your store like they matter, or visit 2 current clients that are important but havent seen you in a while.

You will be amazed at how just a little positive makes a big difference.  With positive you will see that what you used to think of as failure is just a bump in the road.

Attitude is a sales technique

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