
Great Sellers tip of the day - Thank you

When was the last time you sent your good clients a handwritten thank you note?  I said, "good" for a reason because you have probably done something for your great clients, but what about your bread and butter clients?

why handwritten?  everything from the envelope to the letter inside needs to be handwritten for one reason - it will get read.  Thats right, why a pour good, well thought out message just ot have it trashed.  how do i know it will end up in the garbage?  It will end up there because you do the same thing.  remember that birthday card you got form your insurance company?  you know the one with a nice message, and maybe signed?  did it mean anything to you?  nope?  me either.  However i recently sent a handful of the handwritten thank you notes out to a few clients i see frequently to see if they would notice.  100% of them said something to me in the next 2 weeks about it.

so what did my note say?

each was different, but something to the effect of:

Dear _____ (i used their 1st names)
I just wanted to write to you just to say thank you.  Its not often that i take the time just to say thank you to my best clients.  So, Thank you for the trust you put in me and the relationship we share.

again, thank you


You will notice that i did not put anything in about sending me referrals or that i had some new product to sell them.  My message was very clear, that I appreciated their business.

Do your good, or even your great clients know that you appreciate them?

Great selling starts with great sellers who do the things no one else is doing

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