
What "The Office" has do do with real life sales

So i was watching this weeks episode of "the office" and saw that one of the salesmen was having a great sales streak.  He then went to the accounting group to see what his latest "big sale" was going to net him in commission.  he found out that his company had put in a commission cap and that his sales for the rest of the year will earn him $0.

1st, if you have any influence over a commission or bonus structure, which i am guessing most of us, including me, do not, but if you do, make it a formula you would be gitty to pay a salesperson $1,000,000 in bonus or commission.  Aka make it where it makes sense no matter how much you pay out.

Now, to those of us who have seen our commissions/bonuses reduced, eliminated, or delayed for this year etc, you need to find alternate motivation.  I know easier said then done.  I personally have found by doing some customized rankings that I have some competition in sales volume with a few others and now am focusing on staying number one for the year.  Number 1 doesnt matter, but if you find yourself in the middle of the pack, pick out a name or two close to you and just work on beating them.

Sales managers - again, i have no control over the incentive plan at my company so for those who dont have one right now (all of us) i am working really hard to provide extra training (class, one on one, or in the field), afternoons/mornings off, flexible schedules, and preparing the best year end reviews I can for my top people so that if/when, there are merit raises i am well prepared to go to battle for my people.  We cannot afford to lose our best people so this is an opportunity for us to become better bosses.

If you are not a boss and your boss isnt helping the motivation factors much, then you need to look for competition, or ways of getting more job satisfaction that doesnt involve cash.  Keep up with your sales numbers and other projects you have been involved with so that you can be well prepared for your year end evaluation.  If you are at the top, you can ask for the things i mentioned above, or if you have a particularly good sale or week, then maybe then too.

If, in these times, you can find job satisfaction by helping your clients achieve more, your people grow/learn more, or prepare yourself for the coming year better, then you will be using this time to the best.

Happy Sales to all, and to all a good night

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