
Handwritten notes

by Tim Wackel

Remember the last time you received a personal note? Did the handwritten envelope catch your eye and pique your interest? It's probably a safe bet that you opened and read that piece of mail almost immediately. Doesn't matter who the note is from - people are just more easily engaged by this personalized approach and level of attention.

Handwritten notes are one of the least expensive, most effective and largely ignored tools in your sales and marketing arsenal today. For less than a dollar and some change you can find your way to the top of someone's in-box.

If you use professional quality stationary and know how to craft a tight message, odds are great that your note will be read. Can you say that about the last email you pushed into cyberspace?

Very few people take the time to send handwritten notes because they believe it's boring - especially in today's age of high tech (and low touch) communication. There's nothing new or exciting about putting pen to paper. Writing a personal note takes a little more time and can actually bring back painful memories for some of you. This is the stuff Mom used to make you do...UGHHH!

But this is where the simple brilliance lies. Here is a communication vehicle that doesn't cost much, it grabs the attention of the recipient and is incredibly underutilized. People who send personal notes are thought to be considerate, creative, gracious, well mannered, mindful and a "cut above the rest." Not a bad return on stationary, a stamp and five minutes of writing!

Want to make handwritten notes one of your personal success habits? Here are five quick but powerful ideas to get you kick started today!

1. Have some personal note cards professionally printed and keep a stack on your desk. Challenge yourself to write one note every day thanking a client, prospect, business partner, colleague or co-worker. This will force you to start looking at life through a "glass half full" lens...an exercise in itself that will pay dividends to you and those you come in contact with.

2. Do you have a valuable idea (not a sales pitch) that someone needs to know about? Send a handful of personal notes inviting people to breakfast or lunch and let them know you have an idea that you believe could have value for them. Not everyone will take you up on your offer but the ones who do could turn out to be tomorrow's best client. This also forces you to start communicating value (not features) in a very concise manner - a skill that most sales reps never seem to master.

3. How many birthday cards do you receive from people outside of your family? Sending a personal note on a birthday communicates that you care enough to know AND remember that person's birthday. Find a card that reflects your personality and that you enjoy sending. Take time to write a short personal message and then watch as you begin to light up your contact database one birthday at a time.

4. Send an article or newspaper clipping to someone about an interest of theirs and attach a personal note. Internet search tools like Google Alerts provide an endless supply of new and relevant information that you can quickly print and mail. Figure out what is important to others and then show them that you care. People like to work with people who are willing to do the little things. If you do the little things well, others will believe that you can handle the big things (projects, commitments, orders, deadlines, promises) just as easily.

5. Send something to make someone smile. A funny news story, witty cartoon or amusing personal experience with your note can help transform relationships and break down icy barriers.

Sending a handwritten note is one of the simplest and most underutilized tools in today's busy world. Every sales professional claims that they want to be different than everyone else. Here is a great opportunity to do just that. Find some time to slow down, take a deep breath, pick up pen and paper and watch the magic begin.

This article was originally posted on SalesDog.com



Make sure you are dressed appropriately for the work you do.  Now in the office everyone might be in business casual, but if your clients are not, then you're not.  The rule of thumb i tell my staff is accurate for all business occasions, internal or external.  Be one step up from those around you.  If everyone is wearing slacks and a polo, the be in a button down.  if they are in a button down, throw on a jacket or tie.  now if everyone is in a nice suit and tie, you dont need to go to tux, but maybe 3 piece?  Outside of the tux, its hard to go too high, but very easy to go too low.

dress for the part you want is a good internal meeting thought process.  if you see that at business casual meetings that the vp's are wearing a jacket, next time, wear a jacket.

you get the idea.

Sales is more than just pushing product.  its selling yourself too.



Okay, that might be a bit dramatic, but one of my old bosses used to say that.  Now he didnt mean it in an ugly way.  My team and I were doing very well and getting great internal publicity for our results.  His point?  Don't read your own press clippings.   You will only go backwards if you rest on your results and take a breath.  YOu have to push yourself.

My teams expectations were to beat our goal at 2/3rds of the day through everyday.  why?  because we could see we were hitting our daily goals without effort so we pushed ourselves.  we motivated ourselves.  we set a new standard when the corporate one didnt fit.

Are you a great seller?  Do you have GREAT numbers for the month, quarter, or year so far?



Contact sport

Sales is a contact sport

I am sure we have all heard this before, “In sales, you must contact as many people as possible to be successful.”  This is certainly important, but part of that mantra is contacting the right people, the other part is knowing what you are going to say.  Is the call looking to cold call and sell something or is it the kind that is going to concentrate on deepening a relationship?  Both have their places.

Developing the relationship

If you are developing a relationship, make sure you call or email and mention nothing about sales most of the time.  You will want the impact of you having an idea or desire to sell something not to be the expectation when you call.  Your relationship will not blossom if they cringe at the site of your number on their caller ID.

I’m calling to sell you something

Make sure you have a connection of some sort to the person you are calling.  Try and get a referral.  If you are calling dead cold, you need to make an impact in the first 2 sentences or your call is over.  You will have to assume what the benefit is for the prospect before the call, so some industry knowledge or research will be important.

It’s not just the phone

You cannot win at the contact sport of sales with just the phone and email.  You will need to use your network, both physical network  and your virtual one.  In person meetings work as well, but don’t forget to embrace the preferences of those you are targeting and adjust accordingly.

How much is enough?

You have to develop your own sales ratio, but if you want a place to start, in his book, “Never Eat Alone”, Keith Ferrazzi says you will not be successful in sales unless you talk to 50 people per day.

Are you talking to enough and is the conversation the best quality it can be?


Results = Quantity of contacts x quality of the interactions x the right customer.

Sales is a contact sportI am sure we have all heard this before, “In sales, you must contact as many people as possible to be successful.”  This is certainly important, but part of that mantra is contacting the right people, the other part is knowing what you are going to say.  Is the call looking to cold call and sell something or is it the kind that is going to concentrate on deepening a relationship?  Both have their places. Developing the relationship  If you are developing a relationship, make sure you call or email and mention nothing about sales most of the time.  You will want the impact of you having an idea or desire to sell something not to be the expectation when you call.  Your relationship will not blossom if they cringe at the site of your number on their caller ID.I’m calling to sell you something Make sure you have a connection of some sort to the person you are calling.  Try and get a referral.  If you are calling dead cold, you need to make an impact in the first 2 sentences or your call is over.  You will have to assume what the benefit is for the prospect before the call, so some industry knowledge or research will be important.It’s not just the phone You cannot win at the contact sport of sales with just the phone and email.  You will need to use your network, both physical network  and your virtual one.  In person meetings work as well, but don’t forget to embrace the preferences of those you are targeting and adjust accordingly.How much is enough?  You have to develop your own sales ratio, but if you want a place to start, in his book, “Never Eat Alone”, Keith Ferrazzi says you will not be successful in sales unless you talk to 50 people per day.

Are you talking to enough and is the conversation the best quality it can be?Remember:

Results = Quantity of contacts x quality of the interactions x the right customer.

Great sellers know their closing ratio and build relationships.


Let it out

So you're working hard and things are either going your way, or you wish they would go more your way.  You need to find a coworker or friend who understands what your doing.  talking out what's working and what's not working is important.  you will discover the methods or prospects that are working a lot better when you vocalize your thoughts.  besides you be more prepared when asked by your boss or a higher up to tell them what you're doing.

Knowing yourself is part of becoming a great seller


Get involved

So you feel like you have cold called called EVERYONE.  (thats another problem, but not for today) and you have no idea where a new lead is going to come from.  You sit at your desk, or youre in your car and pondering this exact question.  Where is the next one going to come from?

I suggest getting involved in the community.  Thats right volunteer.  It doesn't really matter where as long as you have some connection or tie to it.  If your boss works with the boy scouts, but you have zero interest in camping, then pick something else.  There are lots of organizations that are looking for reliable help.  The jobs are not glamourous, but thats not the point.

You will start mixing in with people you dont normally see.  Through the good work you are doing you will develop trust and new relationships.  Its amazing the percentage of the time that you will end up finding someone who knows someone and will put you in contact.

I suggest going with something you really believe in, but if you are doing this purely for sales reasons, get on linked-in and find the 2 or 3 people of the targets you want to land, and then see if they list any particular volunteer activities or hobbies.  Then by working in that direction, you might find a connection to the individual.  Like I said before though, its most likely to benefit you if you are connected to the organization personally vs trying to make it a networking event.  People will have a tough time with you if you walk into the orientation meeting for your new volunteer group and hand out cards asking for referrals.

Be sincere and good things will happen, the least of which might be sales.


Quick start

Well, its Monday.  How much time will you waste today "getting started"?  Sit down, make your plan for the week using all the info you had from last week and your calendar and get going.  Got internal meetings today?  Make sure youre ready to listen for any good ideas and take them.  Some of my best ideas were not my ideas at all.  In fact, i'd hate to admit to how many really are mine at all.

Set your plan, and get going.  Were you going to try something new for a week?  well this is the start of that week.  Try it and then evaluate what went well and what didnt.

Change is part of being a great seller.


Its Friday

I know you are all shocked to hear that today is Friday (probably been looking forward to today since Monday).  On a personal level I certainly understand, but in a sales persons world Friday can be your greatest day or a complete waste of a day.  Your clients are in good moods, or they want to get things done.  Prospects, same way.  I cannot tell you how easy it is to get an appointment with someone for lunch on a Friday.  Why?  Cause they feel like you do right now.  They want to take it easy and enjoy the day, so free lunch helps.

What are you going to do with Friday?  Watch the clock?  Talk about the upcoming game this weekend?  Plan your evening out?  or are you going to make a living?

Great Sellers


Book Review – Go for No

A while back i was given a copy of the book "Go for No".  Since then i have given it to many members of my staff and even required one staff to read it.  We did a "Ryan's book club" moment on it.

The main point of the book is that being rejected is okay, and in fact, encouraged.  Knowing your own personal sales ratio is important to understanding many things in your sales.  1st, you get to understand what is normal for you.  2nd, you can start to decipher if certain approaches, or tactics on your part work better than others.  3rd, you get to discover some internal constitution that you didn't know you had.  resiliency is often under appreciated.

The read is not particularly long or expensive, and the book is widely available.  below is a link to amazon where i got it for my team.  I encourage you to read it and share liberally with others.

Book Review - Go for No

A while back i was given a copy of the book "Go for No".  Since then i have given it to many members of my staff and even required one staff to read it.  We did a "Ryan's book club" moment on it.

The main point of the book is that being rejected is okay, and in fact, encouraged.  Knowing your own personal sales ratio is important to understanding many things in your sales.  1st, you get to understand what is normal for you.  2nd, you can start to decipher if certain approaches, or tactics on your part work better than others.  3rd, you get to discover some internal constitution that you didn't know you had.  resiliency is often under appreciated.

The read is not particularly long or expensive, and the book is widely available.  below is a link to amazon where i got it for my team.  I encourage you to read it and share liberally with others.


The guy next door

So you just stepped out of an appointment with either a client, or a prospective client and there is another business or 2 in the building, or strip center.  You could leave or you could maximize your time by seeing “the guy next door”.  How do randomly walk into a business you only know exists because it is next door or near one you just left?  Simple.  Walk in and say something to the effect of “I was just over at X and noticed your business, what type of business do you do?”  Now if it says “Joe’s plumbing” then don’t ask what they do, but ask what they specialize in, business or residential.  This very simple technique works to get you in the door and passed the “why are you here” section.  You can then start with some of the easy follow up questions such as “are you the owner” or “how long have you been here/ in business?”  Now you are in to door.   At this point it is up to you based on the way the conversation is going and how well you are connecting with the person in front of you.  Sometimes this will turn in to a great bit of small talk as you find something in common, could turn into an opportunity right away, or might just be someone you can say you stopped in on and there was not an opportunity at that time.

The ‘guy next door” might be your next account.  Try this out after you next appointment.

Sales tip of the week - The guy next door

So you just stepped out of an appointment with either a client, or a prospective client and there is another business or 2 in the building, or strip center.  You could leave or you could maximize your time by seeing “the guy next door”.  How do randomly walk into a business you only know exists because it is next door or near one you just left?  Simple.  Walk in and say something to the effect of “I was just over at X and noticed your business, what type of business do you do?”  Now if it says “Joe’s plumbing” then don’t ask what they do, but ask what they specialize in, business or residential.  This very simple technique works to get you in the door and passed the “why are you here” section.  You can then start with some of the easy follow up questions such as “are you the owner” or “how long have you been here/ in business?”  Now you are in to door.   At this point it is up to you based on the way the conversation is going and how well you are connecting with the person in front of you.  Sometimes this will turn in to a great bit of small talk as you find something in common, could turn into an opportunity right away, or might just be someone you can say you stopped in on and there was not an opportunity at that time.

The ‘guy next door” might be your next account.  Try this out after you next appointment.



Normal -

look at that word, normal.  sounds innocent enough.  looking it up in the dictionary you will see descriptions of "not different", "usual", "approximately average".
When you look at your sales numbers are they "normal".  Normal for who?  When people are asked to describe you, do you want one of the descriptions to be "normal"?  When you look at the rankings of people who do what you do at your company are you satisfied with being dead center of the list?

I didnt think so.

To paraphrase Forrest Gump, Normal is as Normal does.  SO what are the "normal" people doing?  Can you do it better or should you be doing something different, "not normal"

I dont know about you but, "normal" is not a compliment to me.  Average? no way.

Are you normal?

Sales tip of the day - Normal

Normal -

look at that word, normal.  sounds innocent enough.  looking it up in the dictionary you will see descriptions of "not different", "usual", "approximately average".
When you look at your sales numbers are they "normal".  Normal for who?  When people are asked to describe you, do you want one of the descriptions to be "normal"?  When you look at the rankings of people who do what you do at your company are you satisfied with being dead center of the list?

I didnt think so.

To paraphrase Forrest Gump, Normal is as Normal does.  SO what are the "normal" people doing?  Can you do it better or should you be doing something different, "not normal"

I dont know about you but, "normal" is not a compliment to me.  Average? no way.

Are you normal?



Today is all about inertia.  You remember your HS physics right?  Inertia is somethings desire to stay where it is unless acted upon.  You need to overcome inertia today.  Its Monday and you might settle into the old routine you're used to, but how has that worked for you?  if you're doing well, then, by all means, keep it up.  if you are looking to make a change, then the week starts now and so does the change.

Great selling starts with becoming a great seller.

Selling tip of the day - inertia

Today is all about inertia.  You remember your HS physics right?  Inertia is somethings desire to stay where it is unless acted upon.  You need to overcome inertia today.  Its Monday and you might settle into the old routine you're used to, but how has that worked for you?  if you're doing well, then, by all means, keep it up.  if you are looking to make a change, then the week starts now and so does the change.

Great selling starts with becoming a great seller.


Joint call

I highly recommend setting up a day/week where you both go on a sales call with a successful sales person and then have them go on one with you.  The experience, no matter how much experience you have, is a positive one for both of you.  Besides gaining a little morale boost from the trust you will share for the sales calls, you will also probably pick up something you can use.  It might be something to do, or might be something not to do, but either way you will learn.  In addition to learning you can hopefully help the other person learn something too.  Do a post sale cool down with the other person after each call.  I suggest the person who setup the appointment do a self assessment first and then have the tag-along respond.

What doesnt kill you only makes you a stronger sales person and that makes for great selling.

Great Sellers tip of the day - joint call

I highly recommend setting up a day/week where you both go on a sales call with a successful sales person and then have them go on one with you.  The experience, no matter how much experience you have, is a positive one for both of you.  Besides gaining a little morale boost from the trust you will share for the sales calls, you will also probably pick up something you can use.  It might be something to do, or might be something not to do, but either way you will learn.  In addition to learning you can hopefully help the other person learn something too.  Do a post sale cool down with the other person after each call.  I suggest the person who setup the appointment do a self assessment first and then have the tag-along respond.

What doesnt kill you only makes you a stronger sales person and that makes for great selling.


Thank you

When was the last time you sent your good clients a handwritten thank you note?  I said, "good" for a reason because you have probably done something for your great clients, but what about your bread and butter clients?

why handwritten?  everything from the envelope to the letter inside needs to be handwritten for one reason - it will get read.  Thats right, why a pour good, well thought out message just ot have it trashed.  how do i know it will end up in the garbage?  It will end up there because you do the same thing.  remember that birthday card you got form your insurance company?  you know the one with a nice message, and maybe signed?  did it mean anything to you?  nope?  me either.  However i recently sent a handful of the handwritten thank you notes out to a few clients i see frequently to see if they would notice.  100% of them said something to me in the next 2 weeks about it.

so what did my note say?

each was different, but something to the effect of:

Dear _____ (i used their 1st names)
I just wanted to write to you just to say thank you.  Its not often that i take the time just to say thank you to my best clients.  So, Thank you for the trust you put in me and the relationship we share.

again, thank you


You will notice that i did not put anything in about sending me referrals or that i had some new product to sell them.  My message was very clear, that I appreciated their business.

Do your good, or even your great clients know that you appreciate them?

Great selling starts with great sellers who do the things no one else is doing

Great Sellers tip of the day - Thank you

When was the last time you sent your good clients a handwritten thank you note?  I said, "good" for a reason because you have probably done something for your great clients, but what about your bread and butter clients?

why handwritten?  everything from the envelope to the letter inside needs to be handwritten for one reason - it will get read.  Thats right, why a pour good, well thought out message just ot have it trashed.  how do i know it will end up in the garbage?  It will end up there because you do the same thing.  remember that birthday card you got form your insurance company?  you know the one with a nice message, and maybe signed?  did it mean anything to you?  nope?  me either.  However i recently sent a handful of the handwritten thank you notes out to a few clients i see frequently to see if they would notice.  100% of them said something to me in the next 2 weeks about it.

so what did my note say?

each was different, but something to the effect of:

Dear _____ (i used their 1st names)
I just wanted to write to you just to say thank you.  Its not often that i take the time just to say thank you to my best clients.  So, Thank you for the trust you put in me and the relationship we share.

again, thank you


You will notice that i did not put anything in about sending me referrals or that i had some new product to sell them.  My message was very clear, that I appreciated their business.

Do your good, or even your great clients know that you appreciate them?

Great selling starts with great sellers who do the things no one else is doing


Elephant Hunting, or know your 3

Know your 3. What I mean is know the 3 big businesses you want to land, the elephants. These will be high impact-to-your-sales-goal type businesses. Of these three you may only get 1 or even none, but if you don’t have targets you don’t know how to aim. So pick 3 businesses you really want to get into and know why you want them. Set a plan on how you will try and contact the owner. The objective in the beginning is to get an appointment with a decision maker. Who do you know that might know the right person? Have you checked reference USA or Linked-in to see if you have any useful information there? Do any of your current clients or networking contacts have a contact to help you? Would anyone mind writing you a business letter of reference to help you establish why they should do business with you? Track your plan and adjust it as necessary. You can land that big client; you just have to make sure it’s not by chance.

You cannot spend all your time elephant hunting, but the 3 you pick should be worth it to you.  They can be year long or longer projects.  Just getting to the right person is time consuming enough.  I know I am making this seem like a huge process but its not.  Just identify the target and do a little research.  Be prepared for a long journey, but also be just as prepared if someone asks you a closing lead-in question.  Is does have to take long, but it probably will.

Great Sellers can sell to top clients, medium clients, and entry level clients.

Great Sellers tip of the week - Elephant Hunting, or know your 3

Know your 3. What I mean is know the 3 big businesses you want to land, the elephants. These will be high impact-to-your-sales-goal type businesses. Of these three you may only get 1 or even none, but if you don’t have targets you don’t know how to aim. So pick 3 businesses you really want to get into and know why you want them. Set a plan on how you will try and contact the owner. The objective in the beginning is to get an appointment with a decision maker. Who do you know that might know the right person? Have you checked reference USA or Linked-in to see if you have any useful information there? Do any of your current clients or networking contacts have a contact to help you? Would anyone mind writing you a business letter of reference to help you establish why they should do business with you? Track your plan and adjust it as necessary. You can land that big client; you just have to make sure it’s not by chance.

You cannot spend all your time elephant hunting, but the 3 you pick should be worth it to you.  They can be year long or longer projects.  Just getting to the right person is time consuming enough.  I know I am making this seem like a huge process but its not.  Just identify the target and do a little research.  Be prepared for a long journey, but also be just as prepared if someone asks you a closing lead-in question.  Is does have to take long, but it probably will.

Great Sellers can sell to top clients, medium clients, and entry level clients.



yep, thats right, shut-up.  As sales people we tend to be very extroverted, and forget that others have the control.  if we are trying to close a sale we need to shut-up for a few seconds to let the prospect answer our questions and to ask their own.  I am personally one of these people that cannot stop talking.  in meetings i purposly tell myself to shut up.  i know the answers to the questions and want to just move things along.

in the sale process the same thing can happen.  youre working with a particular person or industry person and you know already, more than likely better than they do, what they need.  So, no reason to beat around the bush, just show them how much you know about their job and then close in for the sale right?


you have to remember that although you sell it all day long the buyer doesnt buy it all day long.  The more involved the prospect feels in coming up with the solution (buying what youre selling) the more likely they will actually do it.  Kind of like leading your boss to come up with the answer you already had, its much better cause he/she thought of it.

So slow down and shut up.  You wont sell more, but you will close more and thats becoming a great seller

Great Sellers tip of the day - SHUTUP

yep, thats right, shut-up.  As sales people we tend to be very extroverted, and forget that others have the control.  if we are trying to close a sale we need to shut-up for a few seconds to let the prospect answer our questions and to ask their own.  I am personally one of these people that cannot stop talking.  in meetings i purposly tell myself to shut up.  i know the answers to the questions and want to just move things along.

in the sale process the same thing can happen.  youre working with a particular person or industry person and you know already, more than likely better than they do, what they need.  So, no reason to beat around the bush, just show them how much you know about their job and then close in for the sale right?


you have to remember that although you sell it all day long the buyer doesnt buy it all day long.  The more involved the prospect feels in coming up with the solution (buying what youre selling) the more likely they will actually do it.  Kind of like leading your boss to come up with the answer you already had, its much better cause he/she thought of it.

So slow down and shut up.  You wont sell more, but you will close more and thats becoming a great seller


Sales Tip of the Day – insanity

Paraphrasing Mr Einstein

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

How does this play into sales?  If you are not getting the results you are looking for why do you keep doing the same activities.  Make a change, either major or minor, but dont keep doing the same things in the same ways.  if you are a route person, go backwards through the route.  if you normally call in the mornings, call in the afternoon.  If you usually hold your employees one on ones on Friday, make it Wednesday.

Like exercising, you need to change the workout to make it effective.

Do something today, just do it different

Great Sellers are not set in their ways.

quote of the day - insanity

Paraphrasing Mr Einstein

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

How does this play into sales?  If you are not getting the results you are looking for why do you keep doing the same activities.  Make a change, either major or minor, but dont keep doing the same things in the same ways.  if you are a route person, go backwards through the route.  if you normally call in the mornings, call in the afternoon.  If you usually hold your employees one on ones on Friday, make it Wednesday.

Like exercising, you need to change the workout to make it effective.

Do something today, just do it different

Great Sellers are not set in their ways.


Step away

Its important for anyone who is selling for a living or for money that they take a day here and there to mentally take a step back and allow the selling part of your brain to take a day off.  just like most things in life you will run out of energy if you dont let up every once in a while.

Even if its mowing the lawn or doing home chores, stop thinking about the next sale or the next appointment.  I highly recommend exercise.  I am currently doing p90x, but the type of exercise you get isnt important but doing something to let your body and mind get that stress out is important.

Great Sellers take great care of themselves too

Great Sellers Tip of the Day - step away

Its important for anyone who is selling for a living or for money that they take a day here and there to mentally take a step back and allow the selling part of your brain to take a day off.  just like most things in life you will run out of energy if you dont let up every once in a while.

Even if its mowing the lawn or doing home chores, stop thinking about the next sale or the next appointment.  I highly recommend exercise.  I am currently doing p90x, but the type of exercise you get isnt important but doing something to let your body and mind get that stress out is important.

Great Sellers take great care of themselves too


Contact Sport

I am sure we have all heard this before, “In sales, you must contact as many people as possible to be successful.”  This is certainly important, but part of that mantra is contacting the right people, the other part is knowing what you are going to say.  Are you a person who is looking to cold call and sell something or are you the kind that is going to concentrate on deepening  a relationship?  Both have their places.

Developing the relationship.
If you are developing a relationship, make sure you call or email and mention nothing about sales most of the time.  You will want the impact of you having an idea or desire to sell something not to be the expectation when you call.  Your relationship will not blossom if they cringe at the site of your number on their caller ID.

I’m calling to sell you something
Make sure you have a connection of some sort to the person you are calling.  try and get a referral.  If you are calling dead cold, you need to make an impact in the first 2 sentences or your call is over.  You will have to assume what the benefit is for the prospect before the cal, so some industry knowledge or research will be important.

It’s not just the phone
You cannot win at the contact sport of sales with just the phone and email.  You will need to use your network, both physical network  and your virtual one.  In person meetings work as well, but don’t forget to embrace the preferences of those you are targeting and adjust accordingly.
How much is enough?  You have to develop your own sales ratio, but if you want a place to start, in his book, “Never Eat Alone”, Keith Ferrazzi says you will not be successful in sales unless you talk to 50 people per day.

Great Sellers Tip of the Week - Contact Sport

I am sure we have all heard this before, “In sales, you must contact as many people as possible to be successful.”  This is certainly important, but part of that mantra is contacting the right people, the other part is knowing what you are going to say.  Are you a person who is looking to cold call and sell something or are you the kind that is going to concentrate on deepening  a relationship?  Both have their places.

Developing the relationship.
If you are developing a relationship, make sure you call or email and mention nothing about sales most of the time.  You will want the impact of you having an idea or desire to sell something not to be the expectation when you call.  Your relationship will not blossom if they cringe at the site of your number on their caller ID.

I’m calling to sell you something
Make sure you have a connection of some sort to the person you are calling.  try and get a referral.  If you are calling dead cold, you need to make an impact in the first 2 sentences or your call is over.  You will have to assume what the benefit is for the prospect before the cal, so some industry knowledge or research will be important.

It’s not just the phone
You cannot win at the contact sport of sales with just the phone and email.  You will need to use your network, both physical network  and your virtual one.  In person meetings work as well, but don’t forget to embrace the preferences of those you are targeting and adjust accordingly.
How much is enough?  You have to develop your own sales ratio, but if you want a place to start, in his book, “Never Eat Alone”, Keith Ferrazzi says you will not be successful in sales unless you talk to 50 people per day.

Recommended Reading – Switch

I wanted to take a few moments to give you my impression of "Switch".  Many people may not see the connection to this book for selling.  Understand what makes people choose is an important piece of the sales puzzle.

You can read all the "wedge technique" or benefit statements rationale, but if you don't understand why people make the choices they do then you are really missing out.

The book is easy to understand and a fascinating look at society in general.  I have used this in sales as well as the sales coaching I do with my team

Great Sellers Recommended Reading - Switch

I wanted to take a few moments to give you my impression of "Switch".  Many people may not see the connection to this book for selling.  Understand what makes people choose is an important piece of the sales puzzle.

You can read all the "wedge technique" or benefit statements rationale, but if you don't understand why people make the choices they do then you are really missing out.

The book is easy to understand and a fascinating look at society in general.  I have used this in sales as well as the sales coaching I do with my team